Monday, May 27, 2013

Miles and Miles of the Sketchbook Styles

Summer's here and it's about that time were I retreat into my sketch book in order to figure somethings out but really to explore some new ideas and techniques 

Werewolf Skull

mine fur ball monster 

mega fur ball monster 


The End. good night guys!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Screen prints and Sketchbooks.

Some end of the the spring work to kick off summer! New screen prints and sketch book entries 

the 4th earl of sandwich (the inventor of thee sandwich)

I've a renewed interest in George Gross 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

storyboarding for video game pitch

 So I've been working on formatting a current project of mine into a video game/animation pitch 
 It's been an interesting case in world building that i've had a ton of fun doing. 

updated character design colors 

Maze design for a rough level design. complete with potential bosses 

Animatic for title opening sequences. I'm kinda embarrassingly proud of it because of the sound effects and guitar that i did for it that... definitely ruin any serious tone this might of had but still... I not to serious a person. 

Bonus features: New Screen print preview and sketch book excerpts